Established in 2021, the Moffitt Family Foundation seeks to help extraordinary students become influential leaders throughout society by supporting their academic pursuits with merit-based scholarships.
Board of Directors
Michael D. Moffitt, Ph.D. ✉
FOUNDER & President
Michael is a former Shipman Scholar and four-time graduate of the University of Michigan’s College of Engineering (BSE ’03, MSE ’05, MSE ’06, PhD ’07). After completing his doctoral studies, he served as the Josef Raviv Memorial Postdoctoral Fellow at IBM Research and subsequently joined Google as a software engineer. He currently resides in Austin, TX with his wife (Erin) and three children (Toby, Josie, and Lily).
Erin N. Moffitt
Erin is a graduate of the University of Michigan’s College of Engineering (BSE ’05, MSE ’06) and former NSF Graduate Research Fellow. She also holds a Masters of Public Health in Epidemiology from the University of Texas Health Science Center, with a concentration in Maternal and Child Health.
Candace L. Moffitt
Candace graduated from St. Olaf College in 1973 and taught music at Sweeney Elementary for 44 years. She was named Educator of the Year in 1997 by the Minnesota Music Educators Association, and featured as an Excellent Educator by WCCO in 2017. She currently resides in Burnsville, MN where she enjoys teaching piano and directing music for the New Spirit United Church of Christ.